these things fulfill deficiency of Vitamin A in body know how to consume this

Vitamin A is very important for the body. Its deficiency causes many diseases. To overcome the deficiency of Vitamin A in the body, you can consume some things. Vitamin A is considered very important for our skin, eyes and health. If Vitamin A decreases in the body, it increases the risk of blindness and can also cause birth defects in pregnant women. To avoid all these things, we will tell you about some things, by consuming which you can overcome the deficiency of Vitamin A. Let us know about those things.

consume these things

In case of deficiency of Vitamin A, you can consume these things, such as eating green leafy vegetables, spinach, mustard greens, fenugreek, coriander, mint etc. Vitamin A is supplied. You can overcome Vitamin A deficiency by including these vegetables in your daily diet. Apart from this, carrots are considered an excellent source of Vitamin A. You can consume it in the form of juice, pudding or salad. Sweet potato is also considered very effective in fulfilling the deficiency of Vitamin A.

Vitamin A in Eggs

You can fry sweet potato or make its soup and drink it. Eggs contain good amounts of Vitamin A and protein. Therefore you can eat 3 to 4 eggs daily in a week. Apart from this, fish is also considered very beneficial for supplying Vitamin A. You must eat fish at least 2 to 3 times a week. By consuming all these things you can overcome Vitamin A deficiency. But keep in mind that consuming excessive amounts of Vitamin A can be harmful. Consume these things in balanced quantity.

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