This apple costs 520 rupees per kg, even Kaju Katli fails in taste! This item created a buzz in the market

Bokaro: Bokaro of Jharkhand is not just related to steel or iron, but also to taste. One can find many delicious food items here. Talking about apples, this fruit is considered very beneficial for our health, which we all eat. But, have you ever eaten apple sweets? This sweet looks exactly like an apple and its taste is also sweet like an apple.

‘Rajasthan Sweets’ located at Chas Dharamshala turn in Bokaro is especially famous for this apple sweet. It is very popular among sweet lovers and children. Shop owner Piyush Sharma told Local 18 that his shop is 40 years old and apple sweet is more popular among the Bengali community of Bokaro, from whom people usually buy it to give as gifts during the festive season.

this is the price
Piyush told that the price of apple sweets at his shop is Rs 15 per piece. Customers can buy apple sweets at the rate of Rs 520 per kg as per the weight. On normal days, 1 to 5 kg of apple sweets are sold at his shop, while on festivals, 15 to 30 kg are consumed.

This is how sweets are made
Regarding the method of making apple sweet, Piyush told that it is prepared by artisans. In this, first of all pure milk is heated and mawa is prepared. Then apple shape is made from mawa by mixing sugar and cardamom. Finally cloves are put and decorated well and then served to the customer. The shop operates from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Tags: bokaro news, Food 18, Local18

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