This Cow Doesn’t Live On The Earth But Inside The Sea

Cow is a sacred animal for the Hindus living in India. It has got the status of mother in India. But today we are not talking about the cow that lives on the earth, but the cow that lives inside the sea and is known as the sea cow. It is considered to be the most decent creature of the whole sea, in fact, this creature never attacks anyone. But in spite of this, it is being hunted fast, even due to the pollution spread by humans, it is also dying fast.

how are these creatures

These creatures will look like sea seals to you, although they are quite different from them. These creatures, which live for 50 to 60 years, are vegetarian and survive by eating the grass that grows on the surface of the sea. In the language of science it is called manatee. They live in their mother’s womb for 12 to 14 months and then take birth under water. There are total 6 bones in the neck of these creatures and their neck is smaller than the whole body. You can understand it in such a way that if these creatures have to see left or right, then they have to turn their whole body for this.

their ancestors once lived on earth

The one who is being called sea cow today, once lived on the earth. According to a report, sea cows used to live on earth about 55 million years ago. Along with this, a story is also associated with this creature that even though it is called a sea cow, its DNA is more similar to that of an elephant. When he lived on earth, he had four legs and used to eat grass on the ground like a common cow. However, when the earth changed its course and water became water everywhere, then they too had to develop themselves in such a way to live in water.

Why are they being hunted

Whatever creatures are calm on this earth, they are hunted the most. The same is happening with the sea cow. A lot of fat is available in their body, due to this their prey is also plentiful. Not only are they hunted for meat and fat, but they are also dying due to the pollution spread by humans. Actually, the grass on which they live is not being produced due to pollution and because of this they are also dying of hunger.

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