This dinner will make you slim! Hunger will be satiated and the figure will be perfect too… know the diet plan here

Night Food Which Help In Weight Loss: If you also have a desire to eat something at night but you avoid eating anything out of concern that your weight will increase, then now you do not need to do this. It is true that eating some things late at night can increase weight. But along with this, there are some foods which by eating at night also suppress hunger and also help in weight loss. Let us tell you today about some such things, which by eating at night will reduce your weight and also calm your hunger.

It is rich in protein and calcium. The good bacteria present in it improve digestion. If you want to eat something at night, you can eat curd, this will also help you sleep well.

Oats can be eaten when you feel hungry at night. Eating oats keeps the stomach full for a long time and the fiber present in oats also helps in controlling blood sugar.

Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Drinking chia seeds in water at night also reduces fat.

Bananas are rich in potassium and magnesium, it strengthens the muscles and if you feel hungry at night then you can eat banana, it will also help you sleep well.

Almonds are rich in protein and fiber. Eating a few almonds also helps in weight loss as it fills the stomach.

Green Tea
Green tea is rich in antioxidants. Drinking green tea improves metabolism. If you want to eat or drink something before sleeping, you can drink green tea.

Salad is rich in fiber and vitamins, it also keeps the body hydrated and also helps in weight loss. At night you can make a good salad by mixing cucumber, tomato, onion, roasted cheese, carrot, beetroot and lemon juice.

What things should not be eaten at night?
If you are trying to lose weight or your weight is increasing rapidly, then avoid eating sweets when you feel hungry at night. Apart from this, also avoid fried foods in dinner. Consuming junk food rich in sodium and preservatives at night also increases weight rapidly. Consumption of alcohol contains high calories and can lead to weight gain.

Do this thing for best result
As Healthline reports,
Drinking plenty of water and including fiber in your diet will reduce your weight rapidly. Include mushrooms, spinach and boiled eggs in your diet. Apart from this, avoid intake of processed food and sugar.

Tags: Food, Health, Lifestyle

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