This disease does not allow weight loss, know why this happens, how to avoid it

Weight Loss: If you want to lose weight then avoid taking stress. Yes, stress is said to be the enemy of weight loss. Experts say that when endocrine glands continuously produce stress hormones, heart pressure increases. Due to this, heartbeats become faster, blood circulation in muscles increases, problems like fear, anxiety and depression can occur. Stress hormones can completely spoil the natural processes of the body. Let us know what is the connection between stress and weight loss…

Stress does not allow weight loss

Chronic stress can cause diabetes and obesity. Like insulin, cortisol also works to increase fat. This causes weight gain. This is the reason why fat increases after sleep deprivation. Cortisol can be reduced by meditation, yoga, massage and exercise.

These diseases increase due to stress

According to health experts, excessive smoking, alcohol drinking, unhealthy diet and stress can increase high blood pressure, heart attack, high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes and respiratory problems. Stress is a problem for mental health. Due to this, the risk of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression and panic attacks increases. Due to stress, pain in neck and shoulders can also increase. The cortisol hormone can also cause inflammation.

Ways to avoid stress

1. Walk briskly for 20 minutes every day.

2. Spend some time amidst nature.

3. Eat food rich in whole grains, protein and fiber.

4. Get adequate sleep for at least eight hours.

5. Take some rest between work in the office. Don’t forget to take short breaks.

6. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco.

7. Write your feelings in a diary.

8. Take time out to pursue your hobbies.

9. Do yoga, meditation.

10. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends and family members. Discuss any topic with them.

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