This dust is proving to be fatal, making the poor class its victims

Air pollution is common in a country like India. But what will you do if a special kind of dust present in the air starts taking your life. Actually, today in this article we will talk about a dust that is proving to be fatal for the working class. Let us tell you about it in detail.

Silica dust

This is a special type of dust that comes out when stones are cut or rubbed. Along with this, silica dust also comes out during drilling. When this dust enters the chest of humans, it makes them seriously ill. Experts believe that at present the poor and working class are the most affected by this dust. Actually, there are many countries in the world including India where laborers engaged in construction work work without masks and safety equipment. In such a situation, their life is always at risk.

It causes a serious disease called Silicosis

A report published in the British Journal claimed that silica particles cause a serious disease called Silicosis in humans. Experts believe that if the amount of silica is not controlled, then in the future it will cause the same kind of disease that used to happen due to asbestos. Actually, asbestos was a poisonous chemical, which was used in the construction of houses and buildings. However, seeing its increasing danger, countries around the world banned it.

Makes the lungs hard

Experts believe that silicosis is a respiratory disease that makes the lungs hard. If the patients suffering from it are not treated in time, then it can prove fatal for the person. Experts advise that if the working class is to be saved from this disease, then safety equipment like masks should be made compulsory for the workers working with soil, sand, concrete, mortar, granite and artificial stones. Apart from this, the government will also have to pay attention to the fact that in sectors where silica particles are released in large quantities, health and safety standards should be followed properly.

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