This family of the district had prepared Mawa Jalebi for the first time in the joy of independence, even today the taste is unmatched

Mohan Dhakle/Burhanpur: When the country became independent, everyone was celebrating. Everyone was feeling a new eagerness to celebrate that independence. There was a person in Burhanpur district of Madhya Pradesh who made a sweet for the first time and distributed it among the people.

People liked this sweet so much that since then that sweet of that shop became very famous. Even today this sweet is made at that shop. People like it very much. This sweet was made for the first time by him with his own hands. This sweet was named Jalebi. Even today the fifth generation of that family is making this Jalebi. And people are enjoying it.

The shop owner gave the information
Kundan Sweets operator Shammi Devda told Local 18 that when the country got independence on 15th August 1947 by my great grandfather late Maujilal ji, everyone was celebrating. It also came to his mind that I should also make some such sweet and distribute it among the people. So that people remember that sweet for life. Then he made Jalebi sweet by curdling milk and distributed it among the people in happiness. Since then this sweet became so famous that today people from the country and abroad have also started liking this sweet. Even today our fifth generation is making this sweet. People eat this sweet and also send parcels to their relatives and family members.

These things are used
Shop owner Shammi Devda says that to make Mawa Jalebi, Mawa, arrowroot, sugar syrup and pure ghee are used. This Jalebi sweet is available at our shop for Rs. 500 per kg. It does not spoil for 7 days.

Historians also mention the family
Historian Vaidya Subhash Mane says that Jalebi sweet was first made in Burhanpur district by late Maujilal Devda. Even today the Devda family is known for this sweet. And historians also mention it.

Tags: Food 18, hindi news, Latest Hindi News, Local18, Madhya pradesh news

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