This is how Jews were tortured in Hitler’s camps, how out of 60 lakh Jews, 15 lakh children were also killed.

Jewish massacres during World War II (Holocaust) One of the darkest chapters in historyNazi Germany, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, killed millions of innocent Jews, of which close 15 lakh children were also includedIt was a massacre that shocked humanityHitler had set up camps for Jews during World War II, In which even the soul trembles after hearing what happened to the JewsLet us know how Jews were subjected to inhuman torture in Hitler’s camps and such a large number of people were killed.

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Nazi Germany built special camps to imprison and kill JewsThese camps were called concentration campsIn these camps the prisoners were kept in inhumane conditionsThey were kept hungry, were beaten and tortured.

For this, gas chambers were built in these camps, Where large numbers of people were killed simultaneously. People were killed till suffocation by releasing poisonous gasApart from this, many types of physical torture were given to the prisoners. They were beaten, Electric shocks were given and cruel experiments were done on themAlso, Nazi doctors conducted many types of medical experiments on prisoners. In these experiments, prisoners were deliberately made sick and new medicines were tested on themThe most painful thing was that the prisoners were given very little food and water. Many people died of hunger and thirstThe prisoners were made to do difficult work. They had to carry heavy loads and walk long distances. Those who were unable to work, They were killed.

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15 Lakh children were also killed

The Nazi regime did not spare even children. Millions of Jewish children were killed by their mothersSeparated from father and sent to campsThese children were also tortured and killed just like adults. Children were often used for experiments or allowed to die of starvation.


Hitler believed that Jews were a threat to the German peopleHe blamed the Jews for all of Germany’s problemsIn Nazi ideology, Jews were seen as an inferior race and there was talk of exterminating them.

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