This is how to identify real and fake honey, within a minute milk will turn into water.

PurniaThere is always a demand for honey in people’s homes. Be it winter or summer season, honey is used for many medicinal purposes. But do you know that nowadays adulterated honey is also being sold in full swing in the market. In such a situation, you too are not buying fake honey. We tell you that you can easily find out the difference between real and fake honey without any expense.

Let us tell you that if you also buy honey, then you can easily find out real and fake honey in a few minutes without any expense. While giving information, Purnia’s honey businessman Sunil Kumar says that any person can easily identify real and fake honey within minutes. For this people will have to follow some procedure. However, he said that nowadays a lot of adulterated honey is being sold in the market due to which people mistake it for real honey and buy adulterated honey.

This is how to identify real honey
Sunil Kumar, a 32-year-old experienced honey trader of Karuna Honey, says that to identify real and fake honey, first of all we need a glass. Pour water into the glass. After which, keep dropping honey in water with the help of a spoon. When honey falls into water, it will settle on the lower surface of the water like a wire and will remain deposited at one place for an hour. But when you keep mixing it, the honey will dissolve in water. You can check the purity of such honey with the easiest and simplest method. In the second process, if honey is applied on the paper and then it is set on fire, the paper will not burn. The purity of honey can be known by these measures.

This is fake honey
Honey businessman Sunil Kumar says that the purity of honey must be checked. He said that when fake honey is dropped in water, it does not look like a string and as soon as it falls in water, it starts mixing and becomes soluble and small grains of sugar also start appearing below. Applying it on paper and burning it causes fire and there are many other tests but the purity of honey can be checked with these simple measures.

FIRST PUBLISHED: January 6, 2025, 21:23 IST

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