This is what diet should be like in summer, keep these things in mind, otherwise you will start looking sick from your face

Best Foods For Summer: At this time, there is an outbreak of severe heat across the country. In such heat, people fall prey to many problems like heat stroke, dehydration. In such a situation, your diet becomes very important. What you eat and what you do not eat is very important. Because it becomes necessary to eat according to the environment. When there is severe heat in many states of the country, it is very important to change the diet according to the weather. If the diet is not changed according to the weather, then you can become a victim of many serious problems.

What do diet experts say?
According to dietician Swati Bishnoi, water deficiency is especially felt in the body during summer. Body water is evaporated by heat. Most of our body is filled with water. If water level decreases, problems start arising in the body. Due to which dehydration, heat stroke in extreme heat, indigestion, kidney shrinkage, burning sensation in urine, stomach related problems can occur. Therefore, maximum liquid should be consumed during summer season. Green vegetables, salad, soup, curd, buttermilk and khichdi along with light breakfast at home or fresh fruits should be eaten instead of outside snacks and fast fruits or junk food. Especially fruits like watermelon, custard apple, pineapple, coconut water, orange, sweet lime, white jambu, phalsa, grapes and their juice cool the body.

The body should get such a diet in summer
In summer, one should take such a diet that gives relief to the body. Apart from this, all heavy food should be stopped. In summer, the digestive power becomes very weak, so heavy food should not be eaten. Sweet and light food should be eaten in this season. You can include jaggery, pitha, parwal, bathua, potato with peel, bitter gourd, raw banana, amla, milk, amla, orange, mango, kokum, coconut etc. in your diet.

Just like we change our clothes with the change of season, similarly it is necessary to change our diet according to the season. Ayurveda also instructs a person to eat according to the season. It is very important to balance the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) in the body. Especially in the summer season, vata dosha increases, so to control it, it is necessary to change some eating habits. Ritucharya has been described in detail in Ayurveda. Ritucharya is an ancient Ayurvedic method, which is made up of two words. In this, Ritu means season and charya means diet or discipline. In this way, a person can remain healthy and free from diseases by eating according to every season.

what should we eat according to ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, in the summer season, we should eat such food that brings freshness to the body. In this season, cold and sticky things should be consumed more. For this, you can consume cold milk-rice pudding, buttermilk, lassi, mango panna, coconut water, lemonade, cucumber, watermelon, seasonal fruit juice, mint, gulkand, fennel and coriander.

Do not consume these things in summer
Do not eat too much fried food in summer. Use more black pepper instead of red chilli. Drink less tea and coffee. It dehydrates the body, drink more green tea. Reduce smoking and avoid stale food.

Tags: Ayurveda Doctors, health benefits, Summer Food

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