this kind of grass should be used in cooler to get it cold faster

Cooler Cooling Tips: For the last few months and weeks, North India has been experiencing more heat than normal. It has become very difficult to live in a summer house. In such a situation, people have started using cooling resources to avoid the heat. In which cooler comes first. Not all people from middle class families are able to afford the expense of AC and its bills.

That’s why most people use coolers. The cooler also gives decent cool air. But if the cooler is not taken care of properly. Then its air may be less cold. Let us know what kind of grass is used in the cooler so that it gives cool air even at low operating speed.

This grass is fine

To cool the air in the cooler, it is very important to have the right grass in the cooler. If the grass in your cooler has spoiled then your cooler will not give cool air. Cooler grass comes in two types. One which is available according to weight. So one according to the size of the windows. People can put as much grass as they want on the cooler windows as per their wish.

But sometimes due to planting too much grass, air is not able to pass and the color is not able to provide cool air. Window sized grass is perfect. Appropriate space is definitely left in between. So that the air keeps passing. But in this, shopkeepers often give old grass to the people. Old grass cools the cooler less.

Honeycomb cooling pad cooler is also available in the market

People have been using grass coolers for a long time. So now there is another type of cooler available in the market. Which is called honeycomb cooling pad cooler. It is said about the Honeycomb Cooling Pad that it has the ability to absorb water for a long time.

Because of this it gives cool air for a long time. But because of the large holes in it, the hot air from outside cannot stop to cool down. Honeycomb cooling pad cooler is costlier than the normal grass coolers available in the market.

Also read: Window AC or split AC… which one gets higher bill? Buy this as per your room

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