This king used to handle not just one or two but 365 queens.

In earlier times, kings and emperors had many types of hobbies. He was also known for his colorful temperament. Everyone also knows that kings used to have many queens, but do you know about a king who had not 50 or 60 but 365 queens? He used to spend every day with his different queen. In this way, they had different queens for 365 days of the year.

The only king of 365 queens
Actually the name of this king was Bhupinder Singh. Bhupinder Singh was the only king to have 365 queens. Bhupinder Singh was the king of Patiala. Where he ruled the throne for a total of 38 years i.e. from 1900 to 1938. He had 365 queens. Although his authorized queens were only 10. The special thing is that it is said that the king had also built luxurious palaces for all his queens.

This is how it was decided with whom to spend the night
Bhupinder Singh used to decide in a very special way as to when and with which queen he would spend the night. Actually, many lanterns were lit in Bhupinder Singh’s palace, but the 365 lanterns lit in them were very special. It was through these lanterns that it was decided with which queen Bhupinder Singh was going to spend the night. Let us tell you that the names of 365 queens were written on all these lanterns. In such a situation, as soon as the lantern lit at night was extinguished the next day, the king would read the name written on that lantern and spend the next night with the same queen. In this way, he used to decide every day with which queen he would spend the coming night. It is said that Bhupinder Singh was also a close friend of Hitler. Once when Bhupinder Singh was in Germany, Hitler also gifted him his car. Bhupinder Singh, who is considered to have a colorful temperament, has been mentioned in detail by Diwan Jarmani Das in his book ‘Maharaj’.                              

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