This local almond is full of qualities, defeats lung cancer and also reduces bad cholesterol. – News18 Hindi

Simranjeet Singh/Shahjahanpur. Peanuts which is known as time pass. Due to the nutrients found in peanuts, it is also called almond of the poor. Many vitamins are found in peanuts. Apart from this, due to the antioxidants found in it, it is also effective in defeating incurable diseases like cancer.

Dr. Vidya Gupta, Home Science Scientist of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Niyamatpur, said that calcium, protein, carbohydrate, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and Vitamin B are found in abundance in peanuts. Because of which it is helpful in preventing many diseases.

Cholesterol is reduced
Monounsaturated fatty acids are found in peanuts. Which works to increase good cholesterol by reducing bad cholesterol in the body. The fiber and protein present in peanuts helps in weight loss. The fiber found in peanuts detoxifies the body. Due to which it helps in eliminating skin related problems.

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Beats lung cancer
A good amount of antioxidants are found in peanuts. Because of this it is helpful in fighting lung cancer. Not only this, it also overcomes malnutrition due to the calcium and protein present in it. By consuming peanuts regularly, diseases like blood pressure and diabetes can also be cured.

eat a handful of peanuts
A handful of peanuts can be consumed daily. Peanuts can be eaten raw, soaked, sprouted, roasted, salted, made into jaggery chikki, laddu or even made into peanuts. Peanut is very nutritious.

Tags: food, Health News, Local18, Shahjahanpur News, UP news

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