This man had 79 wives, used to pretend to talk to God, now he is spending his life in jail!

A unique story of exploitation by becoming a religious leader is of a man who had 79 wives. He was living in a city in America where more than one marriage was allowed. He had made a video of the entire city and used to show it to present himself as a religious leader. Later, he kept on evading the police on the charges of sexual exploitation of a minor and was finally caught and now he is in jail serving a long sentence.

This story is told by a travel blogger Drew Binsky when he met Brielle Decker, the 65th wife of this so-called cult leader Warren Jeffs, who used to live with him in a huge 44 room mansion. Decker was one of the many wives of this cult leader Jeffs in Colorado City, Arizona.

Binsky’s video, titled ‘Entering America’s Only Polygamist Town’, recently went viral on YouTube with over 3.3 million views. It tells the story of Jeffs, a pedophilic cult leader who wiretapped his community to pretend he was talking to “God” and married an estimated 79 wives, some as young as 12, before he was caught.

Warren Jeffs had been dodging people and the police for a long time. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

He is now serving a life sentence in a Texas prison for sexually abusing two minor followers. Binsky and Sam met Brielle Decker at her former home, the Short Creek Dream Center, where she lived with the cult leader for four months. Jeffs’ marriage to Brielle came while he himself was on the run from the law.

Jeffs fled and evaded capture for several years, traveling across the US and even building a compound in Eldorado, Texas, before he landed on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list and was finally captured in 2006. According to CNN, Jeffs’ sect openly practiced polygamy, while the mainstream church had rejected it more than a century ago.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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