This person is eating nails like pulses and rice, some people called the nails fake, while many expressed surprise!

In the matter of food, many people have been seen becoming popular by eating strange things. But have you ever seen a person chewing nails like bread and eating them? There is also a news that someone had tried to eat nails and had reached the hospital. Some such videos are seen on social media. We have also got hold of a similar video, in which a person is eating nails as if a person who has been hungry for a long time is eating bread.

In this viral video, a person of Chinese origin, who may also be from any country in East Asia, is seen eating nails very fast. Looking at this video, it seems that he is eating whole nails and chewing them. Also, while eating the nails, the man wearing glasses seems to be enjoying it.

The interesting thing is that the account of the person whose shared video is going viral is said to be from Iran. This video shared from the Instagram account of this person named Ahmed Alzari has been viewed by 67 lakh people and liked by 87 thousand people and about 5500 people have commented on it.

In the video of this person eating bananas, it has been said in the comment that these Chinese people also eat iron. But in the video a person of African origin is also seen with him. Who this person is can also be guessed from some comments. One user has reacted and said that many people of Indonesia can eat nails in this way.

You might be wondering whether this is a fake video. So let us tell you that many users have also expressed similar apprehensions in the comments. One user called the nails fake and another asked whether this is magic? But whatever the truth. People are enjoying and commenting a lot after watching this video. Then why do you think?

Note- The news has been made on the basis of viral content. News18 does not confirm this.

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