This Place Is The Door To Hell The One Who Goes Here Doesn’t Come Back Alive

This Place Is The Door To Hell The One Who Goes Here Doesn’t Come Back AliveThis Place Is The Door To Hell The One Who Goes Here Doesn’t Come Back Alive

Door of hell: There are many such places in the world, knowing about which everyone is stunned. In this episode, today we are going to tell you about such a place in the world, about which it is said that if someone goes far away from here, he does not come back. People call it the ‘Gate of Hell’. Actually, this thing is of a temple. This place located in Herapolis remained mysterious for many years, because people believed that people coming here died due to the poisonous breath of the Greek god. It came to be known as the temple of Pluto, that is, the temple of the god of death.

For many years, it was believed that due to the breath of the god of death, those who visit the temple or its surrounding area die. Due to frequent deaths, this temple was named by the people as ‘Gateway of Hell’.

Scientists raised the veil from the mystery
However, after many years, scientists found out the reason behind the continuous death. Actually, scientists told that poisonous carbon dioxide gas keeps on leaking out from under this temple. In such a situation, if a human or animal comes in contact with it, it dies. Carbon dioxide gas is so dangerous that only 10 percent of the gas can put a person to death within 30 minutes. While the amount of poisonous gas like carbon dioxide in the cave of this temple is 91 percent.

The city was famous as a thermal spa
Actually, the city of Herapolis is an ancient Roman city situated on the plateau area. There is a lot of diversity in this city in a small space. The hot water sources made here are the specialty of this place. They are rich in calcium and bubbles of water keep rising in them all the time. That’s why this city was famous as a thermal spa in the second century itself. According to media reports, people from far and wide used to come to this city for the treatment of their diseases. This city was especially famous for the treatment of diseases related to joints and skin.

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