This plant remained alive in space for 18 months, hope for life on Mars increased, shocking possibility seen

It is not possible for humans or any living creature to live in space. Harmful solar radiation does not allow any organism to survive in space. Yet our scientists take many organisms from Earth to the International Space Station and test whether they can survive in the very harsh environment of space! But a new research has revealed to scientists about a strange creature which can survive in space for 18 months. Scientists achieved this result in a special experiment

Lichens are a special kind of organism. There is a special kind of relationship between these fungi and moss. These creatures have shown the unique ability to survive in the harsh environment of space for one and a half years. Till now only a few microorganisms have shown this ability. Whereas many organisms are not able to survive in this kind of environment.

Over 18 months, the lichen endured the harsh environment outside the International Space Station, including space vacuum, extreme temperatures, dehydration, harmful radiation, and ultraviolet radiation. In the study published in Astrobiology Journal, it has also been found that along with staying alive, it also continued the work of photosynthesis.

Lichens have not only been found to survive in the simulated environment of Mars created on Earth. They also remain completely active. Due to this, the possibility of life flourishing on Mars has also increased. Lichens have already survived drought, extreme cold temperatures, low atmospheric pressure and radiation showers.

Not only this, lichens can withstand radiations 12 thousand times more powerful than those dangerous for humans and can still photosynthesize. Many scientists even believe that lichen may have carried life from one planet to another through meteorites.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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