This Rajasthani fruit is available only for one and a half months – News18 Hindi

Nikhil Swami/Bikaner:- There are many fruits in Bikaner which grow according to the season. Among these, there is one fruit which grows mostly in Bikaner only. The people here also cultivate it. We are talking about goo. As soon as summer starts, the demand for this fruit starts increasing in the market, which provides coolness to the stomach during the summer months and that is why it is so popular in summer.

People like to eat pickle made from this goonda vegetable. The demand for this Gunda pickle is so high that it is in huge demand not only in every corner of the country but also in foreign countries. This pickle does not spoil for many months. Gunda curry is prepared in the royal kitchens of the country. People also eat its vegetables with great enthusiasm. This vegetable does not spoil for many days.

The fruit is like a plum
Shopkeeper Vishnu Gehlot told Local18 that it is called Reshma and is known as Gunda in Bikaner. It is cultivated in large numbers in Bikaner. This pulp appears on the tree. Fruit grows in it just like plum. Its season lasts from April to May. Pickles and vegetables are also made from this pulp. They tell that it is green in round shape. It is being sold in the market at Rs 60 per kg.

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beneficial for the body
Ayurvedic doctor Amit Gehlot told Local18 that this paste is very beneficial for the body, which heals the knees and other joints in the body. It is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, making it an extra nutritious addition to the diet. It aids digestion and increases immunity.

Tags: Bikaner news, food, Local18, Rajasthan news

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