This red soup increases immunity rapidly, is unmatched in taste, also keeps cold and cough away, here is the recipe.

How to make tomato carrot soup: If you want to avoid cold and cough in the changing weather, then it would be better to include such things in your diet which help in increasing immunity. If you want to boost immunity in a natural way then this red soup is a great option. It not only makes you strong from within, but with its regular consumption, common diseases like cold and cough can also be avoided. The special thing is that the taste of this soup is incomparable and it is also very easy to make.

Tomato-Carrot Soup Recipe-

– 1 medium sized beetroot
– 2 carrots
– 2 tomatoes
– 1 inch piece of ginger
– 4-5 garlic cloves
– Half teaspoon black pepper powder
– Salt as per taste
– 1 teaspoon ghee or butter

Method of preparation: First of all, wash beetroot, carrot and tomato and cut them into small pieces. Now heat ghee in a pan and add garlic and ginger and fry. Now add chopped vegetables to it and cook on low flame for 2-3 minutes. Now add 2 cups of water in it and boil for 10-15 minutes. When the vegetables are cooked well, turn off the gas and cool down a little. Now grind it in a mixer. Now filter it and put it back in the pan, add salt and black pepper powder and boil for 2 minutes. Garnish with cream and mint leaves for decoration and serve hot red soup.

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Its benefits-Beetroot, carrot and tomato are rich in vitamins and minerals which not only strengthen the immunity but also remove the deficiency of iron and fiber in the body. Which purifies the blood and provides energy to the body. Vitamin A and C present in carrots boosts immunity while tomatoes, being rich in antioxidants, help in protecting the body from infections. Black pepper and ginger in the soup provide warmth to the body and relieve sore throat. Whereas the antibacterial and antiviral properties present in garlic protect us from diseases.

Tags: Famous Recipes, food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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