This Russian prison is considered very scary, the conditions are like hell, the most dangerous prisoners of Russia are kept here.

Russian prisons don’t have the best track record when it comes to treating prisoners. No less infamous is Russia’s Black Dolphin lockup, where there is a strict set of rules for those detained. Inmates of Black Dolphin Prison are locked away for their eternal sentences. Here prisoners are found enduring terrible tortures for long periods of time.

The tortures of this jail are also no less famous. According to the Daily Star report, when incarcerated serial killers and maniacs are not being beaten or given electric shocks, they are forced to remain in special yoga postures for hours, in which the prisoners lie on their stomachs and Raise your arms behind your back and raise your legs.

Violating those rules results in gonads being electrocuted, dangerous yoga postures and foot-beating, MK reports. At the same time, serious concerns are being expressed about the security of the investigation. An unnamed criminal who found himself temporarily jailed says the worst thing is for those who are just arriving. They immediately tell them what the rules are here.

Some special tortures of Black Dolphin Prison are infamous throughout the world. (Photo: Instagram/ Black Dolphin Prison)

Russia’s most dangerous prisoners are here
The former guard, now a lawyer, said that according to the convicts, any small everyday statement was considered an encroachment on the regime. The people inside the prison are the most dangerous prisoners in Russia. The Killers and Terrorists are among the crime gangs of the 1980s and 1990s who see themselves as victims of legal loopholes.

Many jails are infamous like this
But Russian prisons are said to be very notorious in the world for lawlessness and torture. Here, Moscow’s Lefortovo prison and Arctic Wolf prison are also infamous because of their history and exploits. Lefortovo Prison’s brutal history stretches back to the days of Joseph Stalin. Ex-Soviet leaders used this place to torture their enemies.

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Black Dolphin Jail is also said to be of this category of jail. It appears that severe torture practices continue into the 21st century as prisoners become psychologically and physically weakened. Every jail has its own stories.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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