This serial killer killed 900 people with a handkerchief know why the British were afraid of this killer

There have been many such serial killers across the world, whose name and scandal scared the whole world. But today we will tell you about a serial killer of India, whom not only the common people but also the British were afraid of. People in India still tell the stories of this serial killer of India. Today we will tell you about the serial killer of India who killed more than 900 people with a handkerchief. Know how this serial killer murdered people.

serial killer

Let us tell you that in the history of the world, it has been seen that there have been many such serial killers, whose brutality even today makes people shudder. In India too, there was a similar serial killer in the 18th and 19th century, who is said to have created a world record for serial killing. The name of this most dangerous serial killer of India was Thug Behram, who is also known as ‘King of Thugs’.

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king of thugs

It is said about the King of Thugs i.e. Behram that he was very infamous between 1790 and 1840, due to which even the British of the East India Company used to be nervous. Because he used to attack people for loot and then kill his victims by strangulating them in a very unique way. People of his gang used to disguise themselves among businessmen and tourists and as soon as they got a chance, they used to kill people and loot all their belongings.

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More than 900 killed with one handkerchief

James Paton, an officer of the East India Company, has written that Behram had killed 931 people in his entire life. He had also confessed to the crime of these murders. According to James Patton, Behram used to keep a yellow handkerchief with him and he strangled more than 900 people to death with the same handkerchief. His name is also recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for this brutal crime.

fear of killer

At that time, traders, tourists, soldiers and pilgrims from Delhi to Gwalior, Jhansi and Jabalpur had stopped walking on those routes. People are afraid to go out due to the fear of Behram attack. The surprising thing was that the police could not even find the bodies of those who died.

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