This Special Feature Of Animals To Avoid Cold Some Of Them Change Color

The temperature is continuously falling in Delhi. It is getting cold. The water kept outside in the hilly areas is also turning into ice. But during this time you must have seen animals roaming like this on the roads or in the forests. To avoid the cold, humans have gathered many modern facilities in their homes. But do you know what animals do to avoid cold. You may take care of the pets, but what do the animals that are wild or roam around stray.

how does the cold feel

The biggest question is that how does one feel cold. According to Joachim Laats, a scientist at the German Sports University Cologne, human skin has sensors that sense temperature, these are called heat sensors. These sensors make humans feel cold, hot or good weather. That is, if there is a feeling of heat on your skin, then this sensor will make the whole body feel warm through the brain and if there is a feeling of cold on your skin, then this sensor will make the whole body feel cold.

what happens to animals in the cold

Different types of animals adopt different methods to avoid cold. Just like if a person feels very cold, then we get up and start wearing warm clothes, in the same way, as soon as the cold starts, changes start taking place in some animals and their body hair starts growing very thick. Exactly the same happens with lions, tigers, leopards, wolves, langurs and monkeys. Because of having very thick hair, the cold does not touch their skin directly and because of this they do not feel much cold.

These animals change color in cold

The way some animals grow thick hair on their body during cold, in the same way there are animals in this world who change their body color to avoid cold. Reindeer is one of such creatures. Actually, as soon as it gets cold, the hair of the reindeer’s body starts turning dark brown. However, a reason behind this is also told that when new hair starts growing rapidly on their body during winters, it looks more brown.

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