This special sweet is made from cashew nuts, tastes like chocolate, children like it a lot

Anjali Sharma/Kannauj: You will find all kinds of sweets in the famous Shankar Sweets of Kannauj. But there is also a sweet here which looks like chocolate. Children like it the most. This sweet is very special in itself. This sweet is available in three flavors. Which is completely made of cashews. The name of this sweet is Choco Bites. People come to the perfume market from far away to buy it. A very different sweet paan is also available in this sweet.

How to make this special sweet
This special sweet is available in three flavors. The first flavor is Choco Bites. It has chocolate flavor. The second flavor is Orange Bite. It has orange flavor. The third flavor is Meva Bite, which is vanilla flavored. Cashews, pistachios and almonds are used to make these three. After making a paste of these, it is rolled on a flat board and cut very finely into individual sizes. No machine of any kind is used in this. This entire sweet is made by handcrafts, after which it is packed in the form of bites.

What is the rate, where is the shop
This shop is named Shankar Sweets near Ajay Pal Road in Kannauj’s Itar Wali Market. Children like this special sweet very much. It looks no less than a chocolate. If we talk about its price, then it is ₹1200 per kilogram.

what did the shopkeeper say
This is a very old shop named Shankar Sweets in Kannauj’s Itar Wali Market. Shopkeeper Mudit Vaishya says that people like our Choco Bites, Orange Bites and Mewa Bites sweets very much. Children like this sweet the most, people come from far and wide to buy this sweet. Cashews, pistachios and almonds are used in this sweet. The sweet is completely made by hand. People like it the most during the festive season.

Tags: Food 18, Local18, UP news

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