This sugar free sweet made from banana is beating Kaju Katli, there is a line to buy it even for ₹ 600 kg

This sugar free sweet made from banana is beating Kaju Katli, there is a line to buy it even for ₹ 600 kg

Mohan Dhakale/Burhanpur. Banana is beneficial for health. Although many products are now being made from banana, but a sweet made from banana has created a stir in Burhanpur. The special thing is that this sweet is sugar free, so even diabetics can taste it.

Peda is being made from bananas in the district. The demand for this sugar free peda is very high here. On the demand of people, Peda is being made by Kundan Sweet operator located in Kamal Chowk area. Peda made from banana is so delicious that people are ordering it. Some even say that even Kaju Katli has failed next to it.

It won’t spoil for two days
Kundan Sweet Director Shammi Deora told that this peda made from banana is sugar free. On the demand of people, they are making sugar free banana peda. Sell ​​it for ₹600 a kg. People are also liking to eat it. No chemical of any kind is added to it. Pedas are being made from pure milk and banana, which are ready in 4 hours. This tree does not spoil for two days.

Use of banana instead of mawa
Earlier, mawa was used in making peda, but instead of mawa, banana is being used in this peda. Because this Peda is delicious, people like to eat it. People have now reduced their intake of sweets, hence the demand for sugar free banana peda is increasing. Banana trees are available at this 50 year old shop.

Banana is easily available in the district
Banana is cultivated in about 22 thousand hectares in the district. Banana is easily available here, hence now sweet shop operators are also making sweets from banana, which people are liking.

Tags: food, food 18, Local18, Mp news

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