This sweet of Nalanda is available only for 4 months! It does not spoil for 7 days, the taste is such that it is in demand even abroad.

Mohd. Mahmood Alam / Nalanda. The shop of Basant Bahar located in Pulpar Bazar of Nalanda Headquarters Biharsharif is quite famous. Many types of sweets are made at this shop according to the season. The sweets of this shop are famous for their excellent taste as well as quality and purity. Shop owner Ved told that this sweet is made seasonally. We have been making Anarsa sweets since three generations.

According to the shopkeeper, apart from Nalanda, the demand for Anarsa is from the country to abroad. In fact, apart from Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, it is made and sent to Gulf countries by order. It does not spoil for a week. At the same time, about dozens of artisans are associated with the employment of making Anarsa and this is the only way to earn the livelihood of the family. Anarsa is sold in 4 to 5 shops in the name of Basant Bahar in Pulpar Bazar of Darbhanga headquarter. Vigan Kumar, the artisan who made Anarsa told that he has been making Anarsa at this shop for about 8 years. Also told that first Arva rice is washed in water and dried. After that the rice is ground into flour. After that syrup of jaggery and sugar is prepared. Then sugar syrup is mixed with flour and cooked. In Darbhanga it is made only for 4 months.

The price ranges from Rs 180 to Rs 360 per kg.
Artisan Vigan Kumar told that the dough is cooked till it stops sticking to the hand. After that khova is filled by making round balls. Anarsa is wrapped in sesame and cooked in refined, dalda and ghee. Apart from khova anarsa, pudi anarsa is also made. Anarsa is being sold in the market from Rs 180 to Rs 360 per kg. On the other hand, when the quantity of khova in Anarsa is high, the price increases.


FIRST PUBLISHED : August 17, 2023, 13:12 IST

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