This Tea Is More Expensive Than Gold, You Will Have To Pay Lakhs Of Rupees To Drink It

World Most Expensive Tea: More than one people in the world are fond of tea. For Indian people, tea is an emotion. If you are happy, if you are sad then tea, if you are depressed then tea, tea is needed on every occasion, hardly there will be anyone who does not like tea. Now when it comes to hobbies, people drink expensive tea. Generally, 10 to ₹ 20 glasses or cups of tea are available in Indian shops, while if you go to a big hotel-restaurant, you will get tea ranging from ₹ 100 to 1000 rupees, but do you know that such tea is available in one corner of the world. Gets whose name you might get electrocuted on hearing.

We are talking about Da-Hong-Pao-Tea found in China. The name of this tea leaf is one of the most expensive tea leaves found in the world. The price is so much that even gold should be ashamed in front of it. This tea is found only in China, which is not in everyone’s capability to buy and drink it.

The price is so much that even gold should be ashamed

This kg is sold in the market for Rs 10 crore. Yes, if you want to buy 1 kg of tea, then you will have to pay a price of about 10 crores. According to a report, in 2022, a man bought 20 grams of Da-Hong-Pao-Tea in China, for which he paid 1.80 lakh yuan. According to India, in today’s time it will be 20.43 lakh rupees. In such a situation, this tea is more expensive than gold.

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Tea can cure many serious diseases

According to the information, Da Hong Pao tea is cultivated in Wuisan area of ​​Fujian, China. The trees in which this tea is grown are rare trees and they are also called mother trees. There are some 6 such trees, which are present all over the world and this is the reason why these trees of China have been declared as National Treasure. This plant is very rare. It takes a lot of hard work to take care of it, medicine is also done that drinking it can easily get rid of many serious diseases of the body.

History of Da-Hong-Pao-Tee

According to the Chinese people, the history of this tea is very old, once during the Ming rule, the health of the queen was bad, after which the doctors gave her this tea. The tea showed wonders and cured the queen. The king was happy to see the queen getting well and ordered the cultivation of Da-Hong-Pao tea. And since then it started being cultivated. The name of this tea leaf was derived from the long and wide of the king.

Read also: The medicine to increase immunity is in the kitchen only, these are 3 types of special tea, the benefits of which will be seen in a few days.

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