This theater is 230 years old, even the best cinema halls pale in comparison to its beauty, people find themselves in a magical age!

Teatro La Fenice, Italy: Teatro La Fenice, located in Venice, Italy, is a famous theater and opera house, which is approximately 231 years old. This theater is so beautiful that even the best cinema halls look pale in comparison to its beauty. When people come here to watch the show, they find themselves in a magical era as they get lost in its grandeur and music. Now a video related to this theater is going viral.

This video on social media platform Instagram A user named @teatrolafenice has posted, in which you will be mesmerized after seeing the grand beauty of this theatre. Also, the music of a program shown in it will force you to dance. This video is very amazing.

See here- Teatro La Fenice Instagram Viral Video

When was this theater built?

According to the report of, this theater was built between the years 1790 and 1792. It was destroyed by fires in 1836 and 1996, but each time it was rebuilt to its original design. It was completely destroyed by the fire in 1996, but after repairs on 14 December 2003, it was reopened to the public. reports that Teatro La Fenice means ‘The Phoenix Theater’ in Italian and is derived from the mythical bird that dies in a fire and is reborn from its ashes. , hence it is said that this theater has been reborn from its ashes twice.

Today it is still one of the world’s top venues for opera and classical music shows. Some of the greatest artists and musicians in history have performed in it.

Who did the design?

The theater was designed by Antonio Selva. This theater opened on 16 May 1792 Was. It can seat 1,126 people. This building is famous for its beauty, in which more than 100 opera programs are organized every year. In the review section about Trato La Fenice on, a person wrote, ‘Trato La Fenice is the most beautiful theater that I have seen anywhere in the world.’

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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