This uncle-niece duo makes special kadhi for patients, a full meal is available here for Rs 60

Nikhil Swami/Bikaner: Bikaner has the largest PBM hospital in the division, where thousands of patients come every day for treatment. Their families also come with these patients. These patients come from Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. In such a situation, patients and their families face a big problem of food.

Generally people do not like to eat spicy food. In such a situation, near PBM Hospital of Bikaner, a full meal is being provided to the patients and family members for just Rs 60. Where people are being served home-style food. Here uncle and niece cook together. Apart from this, some assistants have also been hired.

The family has been doing this work for 40 years
Lakshita told that they start eating from 9 in the morning and continue till evening. PBM sets up a stall near the Janana Gate of the hospital. His family has been doing this work for 40 years. Earlier parents used to work but now they have started doing this work themselves. Unlimited food is available here for Rs 60. Four vegetables, bread, fried chilli and lettuce are available here. Special kadhi is also made here for the patients.

She tells that every day special kadhi and dal is prepared for the patients here. Along with this there is potato and soybean vegetable. Apart from this, cabbage is a vegetable of peas. They say that they feed hot food to the people coming here. So that people can get good and home-like food.

Tags: Bikaner news, food 18, Local18, Rajasthan news in hindi

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