This way of getting relief from scorching heat is dangerous, reduce the use of AC, otherwise…

AC Side Effects : This time it is going to be extremely hot. A glimpse of this can also be seen in the beginning itself. Rising temperature is affecting health in many ways. Special care should be taken of health in this season. To keep him hydrated, he should keep drinking water continuously. However, many carelessness and use of certain things invite many kinds of dangers. One such thing is air conditioning i.e. AC. Its use is increasing rapidly. Living in it is considered harmful for health (Air Conditioner Side Effects). Know what are the disadvantages of running AC…

Effect of air conditioner on health

According to health experts, even though using AC in the scorching heat provides relief, if used continuously and for a long time, it can cause damage to skin, eyes and many other organs. Researchers alert about AC. He says that the risk of infectious diseases due to the use of AC is very high. Even if you are using AC, reduce it and pay more attention to its cleanliness. Also make proper arrangements for ventilation in the room.

Side effects of AC number-1

You can avoid many diseases by keeping your body hydrated in summer. The biggest side effect of air conditioner is that it can increase the risk of dehydration by reducing the moisture in the air. In fact, people drink less water when they are in the coolness of AC. Due to this, the air also becomes dry, which can increase the risk of dehydration.

Side effects of AC number-2

Spending too much time in the air conditioner can cause serious damage to the eyes and skin. Due to AC air, the skin starts losing its moisture. Dryness and layers start forming. Excessive use of AC also increases dryness in the eyes. Due to this the problem of dry eyes starts occurring. It can also pose a serious threat to the eyes.

Side effects of AC number-3

Air conditioner can also badly affect the respiratory system. People who already have breathing problems also start having problems. The cold and dry air in them can cause problems like irritation in the airways. Due to this, cough, sneezing and throat discomfort may occur. Air conditioning air can be harmful for allergy or asthma patients.

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