This woman chews raw fish after buying it from the shop! There is no fear of getting sick, told the reason for the strange hobby

There is a constant cold war going on between vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Under this, both of them tell their respective types of food and way of living better than the other. Vegetarians accuse him of killing an animal, but it doesn’t matter to non-vegetarians. They eat meat and fish with great gusto. Yes, but these days there is a lot of talk about a girl from England (England girl eats raw fish), listening to whose actions even non-vegetarians might start vomiting.

According to the report of The Sun website, 18-year-old Aggie Waller, a resident of Harrogate, Yorkshire, is just like ordinary non-vegetarians, but she does such an act that surprises everyone. AG told that she buys fish from the supermarket and eats it raw. She also said that she knows that doing this is harmful for the body, and there may be worms in her stomach, but she still does it.

girl likes to eat raw fish
According to the report, the girl posted a video on Tiktok and told that she likes salmon so much that she eats it raw. She said that when she was young, her father often used to feed her raw fish. Let us tell you that raw salmon contains many types of germs which are not visible to the naked eye. Eating this can cause tape worm in the stomach which is up to 59 feet long.

Had a habit since 2019
People often comment surprised on this video of him. They say that by eating raw salmon, parasites can grow in the stomach, which will have a bad effect on health and will remain in the body for a long time. However, she does not take people’s words seriously. He told that he had started this habit since 2019. He and his friends used to go to the shop to buy some snacks. Then AG used to buy only salmon. He said that he likes the taste of raw fish very much and despite having so many flaws, he has never had an upset stomach due to fish till date.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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