This woman is going to die in May, she is 28 years old, healthy, yet she asked for her own death!

All the people in this world have hundreds of small and big problems in their lives, which they keep trying to solve every day. The name of life is to struggle with problems and move forward after defeating them. This is what inspires a person to move forward continuously. Giving up on life and trying to end life is not the solution. Still, some people give up on life very quickly. A 28-year-old woman from the Netherlands (Dutch woman will undergo euthanasia) is also thinking of doing the same. She has a boyfriend and a pet cat, whom she loves very much. It is not that she is short of money, she is physically healthy too, but despite that she is demanding death for herself. After all, what is the reason behind this?

According to the New York Post website, 28-year-old Zoraya ter Beek has serious mental problems, due to which she will be given euthanasia (Woman euthanasia for mental health) in the coming May. He himself has demanded for this. She lives in a rural area in the Netherlands, near the border with Germany. He has struggled a lot with autism, depression and personality disorder in his life. She has a 40 year old boyfriend and a cat. While the woman is said to be medically fit, she is suffering from mental problems.

The woman has many mental problems. (Photo: Twitter/@medusach13)

Will get relief from life in May!
Jorya once wanted to become a psychiatrist but she herself struggled with mental health problems throughout her life. According to the Free Press, when her doctor gave up and said that there was nothing more he could do, she decided that she wanted euthanasia because she was fed up with this life. She said that she was certain that if she did not get well, she would not last long in this life.

Euthanasia cases increasing in Netherlands
According to the report of Free Press, there are many people in western countries who are demanding euthanasia due to mental health reasons, such as depression or anxiety, or due to changes in the environment. The woman wants to be killed on the sofa of her house and then her last rites should be performed by burning the body. Her boyfriend will remain with her during her last moments. According to the New York Post, the Netherlands became the first country in the world where euthanasia was legalized in 2001. In the year 2022, there were 8702 cases of euthanasia in the Netherlands. In February this year, former Prime Minister of Netherlands Dries van Agt and his wife had accepted death holding hands.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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