Those who eat curd daily should know this, curd causes harm to these people


Most people eat curd daily during the summer season. Curd removes many problems like fatigue, weakness, sweating and skin problems, especially during the summer season. During the summer season, people often include those things in their diet which have cooling effect. This provides coolness to the body, but do you know that curd is very harmful for some people. 

Curd has many properties

Let us tell you that very beneficial elements including protein, carbohydrate, potassium, phosphorus, sugar, calcium, iron magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin A are found in curd. However, Dr. Neelam Tiwari told the media that curd is not good for everyone’s health. He said that it can be harmful for some people due to their diseases or because of consuming curd in excess quantity. He said that this can cause many diseases including stiffness in the body, joint pain, shortness of breath, constipation.

These people should not eat curd  p>

Dr. Neelam Tiwari told that there are some elements present in curd, which can cause problems for some people. Like uric acid is found in abundance in curd. For this reason, uric acid patients are advised to avoid eating curd. If this is not done, many problems like swelling, arthritis pain, knee pain, joint pain etc. start occurring.

Asthma patients 

Curd It has a cold effect, hence asthma patients should avoid eating curd. Due to the cold nature of curd, the problem of cold and cough increases.

Problem of constipation

Many types of elements are found in curd. Due to saturated fat and advanced glycation, bone density decreases and problems like knee pain and swelling increase. Whereas curd gets digested late, hence people who have digestion problems should consume curd in less quantity. 

Problem of flatulence p>

Curd contains probiotics, it corrects body heat. But in many cases it also causes bloating and gas. Let us tell you that curd gets digested slowly and in such a situation the stomach starts bloating. Therefore, such patients should consume curd only in small quantities or should not eat it.

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