Time traveler claims to return from 2671 predicts 2023 life events

Science has progressed a lot. Scientists are busy in making many types of inventions. Efforts are also on to make a time capsule in this. But no exact invention has happened yet. But many such people do come forward who claim that they have returned from the future. Now the prediction of one such person is going viral on social media. This person named Ano Alaric claims that he has returned from the year 2671.

Anno calls himself a time traveler. He told that in the year 2023 many types of events will happen. Eno, who goes by the name @theradianttimetraveller on social media, gave future predictions to people online. His prediction has been seen more than 26 thousand times so far. Eno has told the list of his predictions to the people. Which people are taking seriously.

this will be the future
Eno told that in the year 2023, aliens will come on the earth. Along with this, the world will also get another planet similar to the Earth. Eno shared his predictions through video. This video has been viewed thousands of times so far. Prominent among Eno’s predictions is-

March 23: Eight thousand people will be selected by the alien to save the earth. He will be named Champion.

May 15- A tsunami with a height of 750 feet is about to hit San Francisco. More than two lakh people will die in this.

June 18: 7 people will suddenly fall down from the sky.

August 12: Scientists will find a cure for skin cancer.

December 3: You will get such a crystal that many diseases can be cured.

December 29: New organs will start growing through stem cells.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Weird news

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