To which people can Muslims give Zakat in Islam

: The five basic pillars of Islam are Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj. Every Muslim strictly follows these five pillars. Out of these five pillars, the role of Zakat is very important in Islam. The literal meaning of Zakat is ‘purification’. Every Muslim who believes in Islam pays to help the poor and the needy. In Islam, the highest amount of Zakat is given in the holy month of Ramadan. Zakat is a type of charity in Islam.

In the Quran, Zakat is given priority after Salat (Namaz). In Shariat, it is said about Zakat that it is the wealth given by Allah Ta’ala (Prophet Muhammad) so that his followers can help the needy people. According to Shariat, every Muslim who believes in Islam should donate 2.5 percent of his wealth. This donation is called Zakat. However, it is also said about Zakat that Muslims can donate according to their capacity.

How to calculate Zakat? (How to calculate Zakat)
The method of giving Zakat is different in every country. In many Muslim countries, the government collects Zakat. In many places, Muslims choose the method of Zakat themselves. They choose to give Zakat by donating to the local mosque, any community organization, Muslim associations.

When to pay Zakat in 2024?
There is no fixed time limit for paying Zakat. For this, a Muslim should pay Zakat after one year of accumulating wealth and after reaching the limit of Nisab (a minimum amount that a Muslim must have for Zakat) and after keeping it for a lunar year (354 days).

Who are the 8 people eligible for Zakat?

8 types of people have been declared eligible for Zakat.

  1. Poor
  2. needy
  3. those who administer it
  4. Those who have peace in their hearts (those who have embraced Islam or are willing to embrace it)
  5. to set free those who are in bondage
  6. to people in debt
  7. For the path of God
  8. to the traveller

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on beliefs and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of belief, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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