Tomato Farming do this work before cultivation you will get profit

Tomato Farming: If you are also a farmer and cultivate tomatoes, then this news is very important for you. Farmers can get good yield by adopting the method mentioned here. Let us know what you have to do to get a good crop of tomatoes.

Tomato is a warm season crop that requires 20-30°C temperature and well-drained sandy or loamy soil. Soil fertility and pH level are also important. Climate and market demand should be kept in mind while choosing improved tomato varieties. Some popular varieties include Hybrid 12, Synthetic-1, PT-12, Ritu, R-721, Pusa Ratna etc. These varieties have high production capacity, disease resistance and good quality fruits.

Make the soil fertile

Soak the seeds in neem extract for 24 hours before sowing. Use polybags or trays for transplanting. Provide proper amount of water and manure. Prepare the field by plowing the soil. Make the soil fertile with cow dung or compost manure. Also add chemical fertilizers as per requirement. When the plants are 15-20 days old, plant them in the field. Keep proper distance between the plants. Use drip irrigation system for irrigation.

Control weeds. Mulching is also an effective method that helps control weeds. Mulching maintains soil moisture and prevents weeds from growing. Its plants need regular irrigation. Prevent waterlogging in the field.

These are the important things

  • Tomato plants require balanced amounts of manure and fertilizers.
  • Use fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
  • Take care of micronutrients too.
  • Many types of diseases and pests can attack tomatoes.
  • Detect diseases and pests in time and manage them properly.
  • Use organic pesticides.
  • Harvest tomatoes only after they are fully ripe.
  • After harvesting, collect and store tomatoes carefully.
  • Use a cool and dry place for storage.

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