too much sodium can be dangerous and may increase the risk of heart disease

too much sodium can be dangerous and may increase the risk of heart diseasetoo much sodium can be dangerous and may increase the risk of heart disease

Who doesn’t love crispy fries or crunchy chips? Table salt is the magic that can turn any bland food into something delicious. Table salt is a mineral made up of sodium and chloride. We all need sodium to function. But too much sodium can harm your body. Since we know that too much sodium can be dangerous, this begs the question. How much salt is needed to stay healthy?

How much sodium should you eat a day?

Sodium is important for maintaining your body’s fluid balance, transmitting nerve signals, and moving your muscles. But how much of it can you eat each day? The FDA guidelines say you should eat less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day. About one teaspoon. Getting down to 1,500 mg would be even better, but eating more than that can raise your blood pressure.

Disadvantages of eating salad by adding salt in it

1. If you add white crystalline table salt to your salad or raita and eat it, it can increase the sodium level in the body. This can lead to high blood pressure, sweating and dizziness.

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2. By eating raw salt, the amount of calcium in the body starts decreasing and the bones start becoming weak.

3. Adding salt to salad or raita and eating it damages the digestive enzymes and also slows down the digestion process.

4. Not only this, if you add raw salt to your salad or raita every day, it can cause joint pain.

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5. If you consume more than one teaspoon of salt daily and also include raw salt in your diet, then it can cause sleep related problems.

Which salt is better to eat in salad or raita

Now the question arises that what kind of salt should you use in salad or raita? Without salt, these things will not taste good, so let us tell you that you can put rock salt or black salt on salad, chaat or raita. Both these salts prevent sodium from increasing and also give your dish a salty taste. Apart from this, eating it improves the digestive system. Also, there is no problem of acidity, indigestion and gas.

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