traffic rules for ambulance if you not give side to ambulance you may have to pay this much fine know the details

Ambulance Traffic Rules: When an ambulance is carrying a patient, it gives way to all the vehicles on the way. Even if there is a traffic jam, the ambulance is not stopped because there is a patient in it. And even a slight delay can cost the patient’s life. If we look at the past, there is a lot of traffic jam on the roads. People are in such a hurry to go home that they park their vehicles left and right on the road.

Due to which the jam increases and in the meantime if an ambulance arrives then the way has to be cleared for it. But if you intentionally block the way of the ambulance then you can get into big trouble. Let us tell you how much fine you can have to pay for intentionally not giving way to the ambulance, what punishment can you get for blocking the way of the ambulance.

There could be jail

In India, laws have been made for walking on the road. Everyone has to follow them. But there are some things that people should understand on a human level. When an ambulance is going on the road, one should automatically give way to it. Because there is a patient inside it. And if he does not get treatment at the right time, anything can happen to him.

Or it could be that the ambulance is carrying an injured person who has been a victim of an accident. That is why one should not obstruct its path. These are matters of human sensitivity. So, along with that, a law has also been made for this. If you intentionally obstruct the path of the ambulance and do not give it way, then you can even go to jail.

What are the rules for this?

The ambulance is going to save the life of a patient. And in such a situation, blocking its path, obstructing it or not giving it way is a criminal offense. Under Section 194E of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act 2019, if a person blocks the path of an ambulance.

Or if he intentionally does not give way to him, then he can be sentenced to jail for up to 6 months. Along with this, a fine of up to 10 thousand rupees can also be imposed. And both jail and fine can be imposed together.

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