Train passes through a building in China, video viral on social media

China Trains: There are many such things in the world, which are difficult to believe after seeing them. There are many such things from hundreds of years ago, seeing which even the engineers of the modern era start thinking. Apart from the Egyptian pyramids and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, many such constructions have been done in the modern era as well. Somewhere engineers have built an upside-down building and somewhere they have built a hotel hundreds of feet below the sea. China is far ahead in doing such feats. A video of China is going viral on the social media site Instagram, in which it can be seen how a train is moving inside a multi-storey building.

After watching this video for the first time, it seems that the train is entering the building, but it is not so. There is a railway station in China, which is built in the middle of the building. Hundreds of people always stand below to see this view. Actually, this train passes through the middle of a 19-storey residential building every day, the video of which has been shared on Instagram from an account named @amazingbeautifulchina. In the video, it can be seen how the train passes through the building by tearing it apart. When the train passes through this station, hundreds of people stand below and watch this view.

The train passes through the building
The scene of the train entering the building is from Liziba Station in Chongqing City, China. This city is also known worldwide for its tall buildings. Crores of people live in this city, and due to the high population, there is a shortage of space in the city. In such a situation, tall buildings are constructed in this city. It is said that when this railway track was being built, in most places the railway line was taken out from the side of the building, but there was a place where a building came in the middle. In such a situation, the Chinese engineers have built the railway track from the middle without demolishing the building.

Silence technique was used
It is said that Chinese engineers have laid the track inside the building using better technology. In such a situation, no person living in the building faced any problem. Modern technology has also been used to reduce the noise coming from the train, so that the people living in the building do not face any problem. This railway line of China has now become famous all over the world, people are making videos of it and sharing it on social media.

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