Treasure was hidden in the ground rare and valuable coins worth crores were found in the excavation

We and you have often heard about buried treasures in stories. Sometimes by tearing the earth and sometimes by tearing the roof, the treasure is found. But have you ever seen this actually happen? If not, then you must know the story of a person from Britain. Those who found treasure worth crores near their house, which was buried in the ground. But when the excavation started, the tinkling coins coming out one by one brightened their fortunes.

Britain’s Tony House, who worked as a metal detector by profession, was surprised when he found valuable coins buried in the ground near his house. Excavation work was going on for repair. In which a rare coin was found and as the scope of excavation increased, the number of coins also increased to 570 one by one. All the coins are said to be about 865 years old, and their value is in crores.

Hundred.Tony House: 570 coins hundreds of years old found during excavation near the house, all are priceless

Precious coins were buried in the ground near the house
Tony House, who got buried treasures from the ground, is a resident of Chippenham, UK. Who found very old coins in excavation near his house in Wiltshire, which are priceless. According to 68-year-old Tony, the coins found in the excavation are from the reign of King Henry II, which were made till 1180. Tony works as a metal detector by profession, who found about 570 precious coins from the ground, which are very old and strange in appearance, but due to being hundreds of years old, they are worth crores. He says that the cost of a coin online is around 35,000 can be. The British Museum has also called these coins a great find.

The price of 570 coins found in the excavation is in crores
Initially, Tony got only one coin during the excavation, but as he went on increasing the scope, the number of coins also increased. 130 coins were found in an area of ​​about one square meter and some more coins were recovered after searching around it. The coins are said to be about 865 years old. It is estimated that the total number of these extremely rare coins can be worth ₹ 2 crore or more.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, UK, Good news, OMG News

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