Try these 3 light breakfasts in summer, make delicious and tasty recipes in less time

Summer Breakfast Ideas: People have to change their eating habits during the heatwave. These days people avoid eating fried and spicy food. People prefer to eat light food, which is beneficial for health and is also prepared quickly. If you also think about making such breakfast, then today we will tell you about 3 light healthy breakfasts, by consuming which you can keep yourself healthy. Let’s know about its recipe…

Sprouts Cheela
Sprouted grains are considered the best in summer. It is also called sprouted seeds. If you want, you can grind it in a mixer and make a cheela from its paste. You can also use gram flour to prepare its batter. Apart from this, you can make sprouts bhel. You can also add finely chopped onion, tomato, green chilli and some spices to it. You can also add lemon juice and black salt to it.

Chia Seeds Pudding
If you want a healthy and light breakfast in summer, then chia seeds pudding is the best option for you. You have to put chia seeds and milk in a vessel. Mix both of them well and keep it in the fridge overnight. It can be served with chopped fruits, honey and dry fruits.

Rice flour product
To make it, first prepare the batter in a pan, add rice flour and mix it with semolina and add water to make a paste. Add Eno along with salt and spices and leave it for 5 minutes. When the thick paste is ready, apply oil in a non-stick pan and pour the batter and also add chopped vegetables on it. Fry it from both sides. Your Uttapam is ready.

consume these things too
Apart from all this, you can consume things like thandai, fruit juice, curd, buttermilk, oats smoothie, moong, cheela, curd, upma, poha, dosa in summer.

Tags: Food Recipe, Lifestyle, Summer Food

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