Try These Yoga Asanas For Better Sleep

Yoga For Sleep: The sleeping pattern of people has gone awry since Corona. Some people do not feel sleepy even after going to bed. Half of the night passes by changing sides but there is no sleep. In such a situation, people should do some yogasanas. This is expected to lead to better sleep. These yoga asanas will not only help you fall asleep faster but will also improve the quality of your sleep.

Vajrasana-It is considered better to do Vajrasana before sleeping. It strengthens the digestive system and relaxes the muscles and organs of the body, relieves stress, and induces sound sleep.

how to do this asana

  • Sit with your feet under the body.
  • Keep the spine straight and keep the knees close to each other.
  • Take a deep breath, as you inhale, expand your abdomen, and as you exhale, contract your abdomen.

Balasan-Balasana pose also has many benefits. This calms the mind and relaxes the muscles. By removing the stress of the day, it gives peace to your mind and it makes you sleep quickly.

how to do this asana

  • To do Balasana, first of all sit in Vrajasana.
  • Now move both the hands forward and tilt the head downwards as much as possible.
  • Keep your hands straight in front by touching your head and keep your palms on the ground.
  • In the beginning, practice this asana for 15 to 20 seconds.

Shavasan- Shavasana is done after the yoga session. By doing this, along with deep healing, the body gets deep rest. This asana can be done when you are very tired, doing it also gives energy and calms the mind. Do this before sleeping, you will get good sleep.

how to do this asana

  • Sit on the yoga mat, make sure that there is no disturbance around you.
  • Now close your eyes, separate both the legs
  • Keep in mind that you are completely relaxed and both your toes are leaning towards the side.
  • Your hands should be with your body but a little far away, keep the palms open and upwards.
  • Now slowly start paying attention to each and every part of the body.
  • First start with the thumb, when you meditate, slow down the speed of the breath, and focus on yourself

Margery Asana –There is a lot of impact on the body in the day’s work and running. In such a situation, many times you do not even sleep due to fatigue. Digestion also becomes slow, in such a situation you should practice Marjari Asana.

how to do this asana

  • To do this asana, you can also sit in the posture of Vajrasana.
  • Now keep both your hands forward on the floor. Putting a little weight on both your hands, lift your hips up.
  • Straighten your thighs upwards. Make a 90 degree angle to the knees of the feet.
  • In this position your chest will be equal to the floor and you will look like a cat.
  • Now take a long breath and move the head backwards.
  • Push your navel from the bottom up and lift the tail bone up.
  • Now while exhaling, bend the head down and try to touch the chin of the mouth with your chest.
  • In this position, keep the distance between your knees and keep in mind that your hands should not bend in this posture.
  • Keep your breath long and deep now again turn your head backwards and repeat the process

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