Turtle Boy: Born like a turtle, innocent face, but parents were shocked to see the back!

Turtle boy born with shell: You must have seen in stories or magical films that at the time of birth someone came into this world as half human and half animal. This does not usually happen, but in the US state of Florida, such a child has been born, who has a different type of structure on his back, which looks like a turtle’s shell.

By the way, you must have heard about the birth of many such children, whose weight at the time of birth was more than normal. A child may have thick hair on his body or may be born with a tail. However, the child we are talking about today is quite strange. There is a shell like a turtle on the back of the child, seeing which the parents held their foreheads.

baby born in tortoise shell
This strange case is from Florida, America. According to the report of Daily Star, the child’s name is James and his age is now 19 months. When James was born, he had a rare skin condition that left 75 percent of his back covered in a tortoise shell. When the child was in the stomach, nothing like this was detected in the scan. Finally, when he was born, the doctors, staff and parents were also surprised to see his very strange appearance.

The mother first mistook the strange mark on the child’s back as a birthmark. (Credit-Kaitlyn McCallum/gofundme)

First understood the birthmark, then the truth came to the fore
The 35-year-old mother mistook the strange mark on her child’s back for a birthmark. When the test report came, it was found that the child has a rare disease, due to which his back is like this. The parents went broke, yet on the advice of the doctors, they removed the tumor growing on the child’s back through surgery in the year 2022 itself. There is yet another surgery to be done, after which the child will be much better. After birth he could not even sleep on his back, but after surgery he can lie down.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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