Twin babies, but there is a difference of 22 days between their birth, know why this happened, a very rare case

Birth of twins is a common thing in today’s times. Many children are born twins. But something strange happened with a woman in England. Twin children were born to them. But the second child was born 22 days after the birth of the first child. This is a very rare case. You will also be surprised to know the whole matter.

According to the Mirror report, Kaylee Doyle, a resident of England, was pregnant. A few months ago, when the doctor told her that she was going to be the mother of twins, she jumped with joy. All scans were normal. Then the doctor said, both the children are healthy. He had no problems till the 22nd week. Then one day suddenly there was a terrible pain in the stomach. It became difficult to get out of bed. Kaylee was taken to Royal Oldham Hospital and kept under observation for five days. Later she gave birth to her first child Arlo naturally. He weighed only 1.1 pounds and was born dead. A blood clot had formed in his umbilical cord. Kaylee was worried about this, then the doctors increased her problems further when they said that the second child would be born in the next few hours.

Child born after 22 days
But when the child was not born even in 2 days, Kaylee’s labor pain also stopped within a few hours. Then the doctors sent him home to rest. After 22 days, Kayleigh complained of stomach pain, so she took an appointment at another hospital. The doctors were surprised as to how there could be such a gap between two children. He couldn’t believe it. Kaylee said, after the shock of giving birth to the first child, when the doctors said that I could go home. I was shocked when my second child was born later. This was never heard before.

surgery will have to be done immediately
Later, when there was no sign of labor pain starting again, the doctors said that an operation would have to be done immediately. The child will have to be taken out through C-section surgery, otherwise she herself will die. The placenta had separated from the inner wall of the uterus, which could have prevented the baby from getting oxygen. Astro was born through surgery, who is now 2 years old. His weight at the time of birth was 2 pounds. There was a hole in his heart and a problem with his eyes. But later he became healthy. This is a very rare case of pregnancy.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news

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