Twitter Word Limit Elon Musk Has Confirmed That The Micro Blogging Platform Will Increase The Tweet Character Limit From 280 To 4,000

Twitter Update: Twitter’s new owner and tech billionaire Elon Musk has made many changes to Twitter since the takeover. On one hand Twitter is in discussion with Blue Zoro Shoro and on the other hand information is being received about the word limit of Twitter. Elon Musk has confirmed through a tweet that Twitter’s word limit will be increased to 4000. Earlier Twitter’s word limit was 280, but now Elon Musk is ready to increase it to 4000. If the word limit reaches 4000, then you will be able to write a complete essay on Twitter. Let us know about this in some detail.

Elon Musk confirmed like this

On Twitter, a person questioned Elon Musk through a tweet. The name of the person asking the question is Obare. A Twitter user named this obare asked Elon Musk whether Twitter has increased the character limit from 280 to 4000? Elon Musk answered this question, and the answer was ‘yes’. For information, let us tell you that earlier Twitter used to give a limit of only 140 characters. Later Twitter doubled the word limit on November 8, 2017, after which the limit of 280 words started getting.

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Twitter gave a big blow to Apple users

Twitter told its users through a tweet that it will improve its subscription service Twitter Blue, and relaunch it for Apple customers. However, for this now Apple users will have to pay a higher price. Elon Musk has reduced the price of Twitter Blue subscription to 11 per month for Apple users. At the same time, its price for web users is only $ 8 per month. Blue Subscription will allow users to edit tweets, upload 1080p videos and earn blue ticks for account verification. Twitter has undoubtedly given a big blow to Apple users, but there is no explanation from Twitter on the question related to it (Why are Apple customers being charged more?).

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