ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy wore special shirt during his meet with pm modi know the meaning of logo appered on shirt

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Shirt Logo Meaning: For the last few years, there has been a state of war between Ukraine and Russia. Both countries keep attacking each other every day. Recently, a 9/11-like attack has been carried out in Russia through drones. According to reports, it is being said that this attack was carried out by Ukraine. Now there is a fear that Russia will also respond to this with a deadly attack. Recently, when Prime Minister Modi visited Ukraine.

Then he met the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky and also visited the War Memorial of Ukraine. Prime Minister Narendra Modi looked very emotional after visiting the War Memorial. Along with him, the eyes of the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, were also moist. During this meeting with PM Modi, a special logo was made on the shirt worn by President Zelensky. Let us tell you what is the meaning of this logo.

Insignia of Ukraine

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi During his visit to Ukraine, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky was with him at the War Memorial. During that time, he wore a special kind of shirt. A special kind of logo was made on that shirt. Actually, it is the symbol of Ukraine. Which is also called the Coat of Arms of Ukraine. It is also called Tryzub in Ukraine.

When the trident is made on a blue background, it is the symbol of the Ukrainian paramilitary organization. It is believed that during the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, President Vladimir Zelensky wears a shirt with this symbol to show his country’s solidarity with the soldiers.

It was established in 1933

The Coat of Arms of Ukraine Tryzub was established in 1933. Ukraine was fighting for its independence. Tryzub was then formed as a Ukrainian paramilitary organization. On 24 August 1991, Ukraine gained independence from the USSR. Since then, this symbol has become the national symbol of Ukraine.

The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for 2 years

The war between Russia and Ukraine started in the year 2022 which is still going on. So far, more than thousands of people have lost their lives in this war between the two countries. Neither of the two countries is backing down. Recently, Ukraine has also carried out a drone attack on Russia. Now it remains to be seen where this step of Ukraine takes the war.

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