Unique temple of Rajasthan, neckless idol is installed here, animals come to bow their heads

Jhunjhunu. You must have seen many temples and beliefs of Gods and Goddesses and folk deities. But there are very few temples which are for animals. There is one such temple in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan where wishes are made for animals. Here humans also become free from diseases like ringworm and itching.

There is a famous temple of Pala Saklay Dada in Bakra village of Jhunjhunu. This temple has a lot of recognition. It is said that here the sorrows and pains of humans as well as animals are cured. Dada Pala was a youth from Saklay village. This is his temple. The history of the temple is said to be years old. There are many legends about this temple.

Pala Saklay without fighting the neck
It is said that the robbers were taking away the cows of the village. To free them, the farmers fought with the robbers. Dada Pala Saklay was also among those farmers. In that fight, Saklay Dada’s neck was cut. Even after his neck was cut, he continued fighting the robbers and freed the cow from them. It is said that the grandfather was following the cows to the village without his neck. Nand Bhabhi, who was working in the fields, saw the man without a neck. Right in front of them, Pala Saklay Dada died outside the village. It is said that the temple of Pala Saklay was built at the same place. Since then Pala Sakalaya is also worshiped as folk deities.

deep belief of the temple
Former sarpanch of the village, Satish Khekar said that this temple is more than 600 years old. Even today people have deep faith in this place. People who have scabies, itching, warts etc. on their body come here and pray. Apart from this, the village people bring their sick animals here. They get benefits by coming here. He becomes healthy.

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Tags: Amazing news, Jhunjhunu news, Local18

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