UP Corona Update Noida Man Find Coronavirus Positive Come From Nepal Gurugram

Once again the pace of Corona (Covid 19) has started scaring the country. Meanwhile, a case of Corona has come to light in Noida, UP, after which there is panic. After the matter came to light, the health department is taking full vigilance. This person living in Noida Sector-36 was found Corona positive (Covid Positive Cases) during investigation. This person who returned from Nepal had given samples for testing in a private lab after showing symptoms of corona infection. Whose investigation report has come positive.

The Health Department has contacted the person and advised him to follow the Covid protocol along with the guidelines of home isolation. According to the Health Department, a person working in an MNC based in Gurugram had gone to Nepal on the instructions of the company. About a week ago, I got tested for Covid after returning from Nepal. The first report came positive. The sample was taken for the second time on December 18 and this report also came positive. The person is in home isolation.

Sample sent to Lucknow for genome sequencing
The department had contacted the positive person and offered to send him the necessary medicines for the treatment of Corona, but the person has refused to take any kind of medicine from the department. The person says that he is already taking medicine on the advice of the doctor. As a precautionary measure, the department has sent the individual’s sample to KGMU in Lucknow for genome sequencing.

Further action will be taken after receiving the investigation report. After this case, now corona sampling has been increased once again by the department. More than 30 suspects were examined in the district hospital on Thursday. In most of the investigations, patients with influenza like illness (ILI) were included.

UP Corona Update: Corona knocks in Lucknow, elderly woman becomes positive, patients start increasing in the state

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