UP Government Provide 100 Crores For Start Up And Incubator Poultry Farming Helps To Doubling Farmers Income

Incubator Poultry Farming: The demand for eggs and meat is increasing in the country and the world. This is the reason why farmers have now turned to poultry farming along with farming. Now this is the second income booster business after animal husbandry, which is increasing the spirits of farmers, villagers and even new youth with less expenditure. Poultry farming business also has many dimensions. These days the incubator poultry farm is in a lot of discussions. For information, let us tell you that the UP government has given Rs 100 crore for startup and incubator poultry farm in its supplementary budget.

The UP government is now working towards making the state a poultry hub and this is the first step towards this plan. Meanwhile, it is also important to know what is the difference between a normal poultry farm and an incubator poultry farm. Why incubator consider poultry farm as different and special from ordinary poultry business. Know in this article of our today.

what is incubator poultry farm
Now poultry farms are opening from villages to cities, so the demand for Broiler Chicks is also increasing in the market. These chickens are considered as the main source for the incubator poultry farm, where advanced species of chickens are reared, which are also called parent birds. The entire process of egg production in the incubator poultry farm is biological, that is, egg production is achieved by the crossing of chicken and chicken.

The eggs found in this way are kept in a separate machine. When the chick comes out from the eggs after 20 to 21 days, it is sold in the market. Later, these chicks become chickens, which go ahead and fulfill the consumption of meat and eggs, while in ordinary poultry farms, hens lay eggs after eating grains.

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Incubator farm is expensive
According to poultry experts, incubator farms are a bit expensive as compared to poultry farms producing eggs and broiler chicken. Actually, in the incubator poultry farm, the parent bird i.e. the chickens which give chicks are reared, their grain is quite different and special. Apart from this, cleanliness, health and safety of birds also have to be taken care of, whereas in normal poultry farming all these things are not given much attention.

Here about 10 percent of the chickens are kept for better production of eggs, which are given minerals in the grains. This poultry feed market is somewhat expensive. Due to all these expenses and care, the incubator poultry farm is somewhat expensive, but it is also special because their number is less and the demand for good breed chicks is high in the market.

325 rupees for a chick
What is the mark of a well-profitable poultry farm? Good income or production. Actually experts believe that the way animal husbandry-dairy business depends on the species and care of animals. Similarly, income in poultry business is completely based on good breed parent bird and chicks. The chicks that are born in the incubator poultry farm, go ahead and become parent birds and later help in running other incubator farms. In this way this cycle continues.

When they are born through such an expensive process, the value of these chicks also increases. This is the reason why a chick of incubator bird farm is sold in the market for Rs.325. This chick is taken care of, after which it is ready for egg production only when it is 24 weeks i.e. 6 months old. After this the process of same expensive feed, biosecurity, cleanliness and care is followed. This is better necessary for good production and profits. If reports are to be believed, there is always a huge demand for these chicks in the market.

how to open incubator word form
According to an estimate, large scale incubator poultry farms can start with 5,000 to 10,000 parent birds. At present, the UP government has also made a budget provision of 100 crores, but under the National Livestock Mission of the Central Government and through other schemes, financial assistance is given for the incubator poultry farm. Reports show that the demand for broiler chicken is increasing in the market, but there should be 300 crore chickens to supply it.

This work will be completed when at least 330 broiler chicks will be reared. By the way, many companies supply these chicks, but it is not according to the market, so if you want, instead of opening a normal poultry farm, you can earn better profit by opening an incubator poultry farm.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

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