Up to what age can a child stay with his mother in jail know what are the rules regarding this

Only the court has the right to punish any accused in the country. Apart from the court, no one in our country has the right to punish any accused. In the event of a crime, the court never gives punishment keeping in mind men and women. This is the reason why female criminals also have to serve their sentence in jail. But the question is that if the child of an accused woman is very small, then what are the rules regarding it. Today we will tell you up to what age children can stay in jail with the accused woman.

Rules in jail for women

The question is that if a female prisoner in the jail is pregnant, or has a small newborn child, what are the rules regarding the jail in such a situation? Let us tell you that the jail administration itself makes arrangements for the birth of a pregnant woman’s child. Apart from this, jail is not even mentioned in the birth certificate of a child born in jail. If a woman comes to jail with a very small child, then the child is allowed to be kept in jail along with the mother.

According to the rules, a child up to the maximum age of 6 years is allowed to be kept in jail with the mother. The jail administration takes the responsibility of the upbringing of these children. Along with this, the jail administration is also responsible for the education of children.

children’s education

The jail administration also makes arrangements for the education of the children of women prisoners lodged in the jail. The jail administration gets the child admitted in the prescribed class. However, if the number of children increases then the teacher is called to the jail premises itself. Apart from this, arrangements for children to play and jump are also made in the jail itself. According to the jail administration, full care is taken that the punishment given to the mother does not affect the development of the child. At the same time, the child’s education can also be completed in a good way.

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