Uric Acid: This pulse is no less than poison in uric acid, otherwise purine will get accumulated in the body

When uric acid level in the body increases, joint pain starts. Sometimes this problem increases so much that it becomes difficult to get up or sit. People who have increased uric acid level should take special care of their diet. Especially pulses should be eaten thoughtfully in the diet. 

Pulses contain protein and purine in abundance. This increases the level of uric acid in the body. Do not eat food which has high amount of purine because it increases the level of uric acid. Let us know which pulses should not be eaten when uric acid level increases. 

Masoor Dal

The amount of purine in lentil is very high. It contains a large amount of protein and nutrients. People who have high uric acid levels should not eat lentils.

Arhar dal

In case of high uric acid, tur dal should not be eaten at all. Because it can prove to be dangerous for the body. Tur dal contains a lot of purines and nutrients. Eating it can trigger uric acid. Tur dal contains elements like anthocyanin. Which increases uric acid. 

Many things included in the plate of vegetarian people can increase uric acid a lot (Uric Acid Increase Foods) and can cause problems. In such a situation, one should avoid eating chana dal, rajma, moong as much as possible, because these can increase uric acid a lot.

Uric acid patients should not consume these pulses

Black Urad Dal: Black Urad Dal contains a lot of protein and purine which is not beneficial for uric acid patients. So, if you are suffering from uric acid problem then do not consume this dal. Also, if you eat idli or dosa then do not eat it because black urad is also used in it.

Soybean: Soybean contains a lot of protein. According to research by the National Library of Medicine, serum uric acid increases rapidly when soy is consumed in large quantities. Tofu and bean curd cake are beneficial for uric acid.

Lobia: People who have high uric acid levels in their body should avoid eating lobia. Because it contains a lot of purine and eating it increases uric acid. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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